Verbal Abstract Reasoning

Verbal Abstract Reasoning Questions

Verbal Abstract Reasoning Questions

1. If no X are Y, and all Y are Z, which of the following must be true?
All Z are X
No X are Z
Some Z are not X
All X are Z
2. In a certain code, MOUSE is written as 13925 and HOUSE is written as 73925. How would SPOUSE be written in this code?
3. If all dogs are mammals and all mammals are animals, which of the following must be true?
All animals are dogs
All animals are mammals
All dogs are animals
No animals are dogs
4. In a certain code, BLUE is written as 2391 and PINK is written as 8576. How would LINK be written in this code?
5. In a group of 5 friends, if Jack is taller than Mike, Mike is taller than Sarah, Sarah is taller than Tom, and Tom is taller than Lisa, who is the shortest?
6. If some A are B, and all B are C, which of the following must be true?
All A are C
No A are C
Some A are C
All C are B
7. If all dogs bark and some animals that bark are pets, which of the following must be true?
All dogs are pets
Some dogs are pets
No dogs are pets
All pets bark
8. If all A are B, and all B are C, which of the following must be true?
All C are A
All C are B
All A are C
No C are A
9. In a race, Tom finished ahead of Jerry, Jerry finished ahead of Mike, and Mike finished ahead of Sarah. Who finished last?
10. If no honest people are liars, and some politicians are honest, which of the following must be true?
All politicians are liars
No politicians are liars
Some politicians are not liars
All honest people are politicians
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