The Wolves and the Sheep

Title: The Sheep and the Wolves

Once upon a time, in a peaceful meadow, lived a flock of fluffy sheep. They grazed happily, protected by their loyal guardians, the brave dogs.

But on the outskirts of the meadow, a pack of hungry wolves lurked, their eyes fixed on the delicious sheep. Day after day, they plotted and schemed, trying to find a way to trick the sheep and satisfy their hunger.

One day, the leader of the wolves, a cunning old wolf named Fang, came up with a plan. He gathered his pack and said, “Listen, my friends. We cannot defeat the sheep with force. We must use our wits. We shall pretend to be their friends and convince them to send away their dogs.”

The wolves practiced their lines and put on their friendliest smiles. They approached the sheep and said, “Dear sheep, why is there always this hostility between us? We are all animals, and we should live in peace and harmony. If you send away those pesky dogs, we promise to be your best friends and protect you from any harm.”

The sheep, being trusting creatures, believed the wolves’ lies. They persuaded the dogs to leave, thinking that they could handle themselves.

That very night, the wolves struck. They pounced on the defenseless sheep, feasting on them until they were full. The sheep realized their mistake too late, and many of them lost their lives.

Moral of the Wolves and the Sheep story:

Do not trust those who pretend to be your friends but have evil intentions. True friends are those who protect and care for you, not those who seek to harm you.