The Wolf and the Crane

The Wolf and the Crane

Once upon a time, in a lush forest full of wonders, lived a cunning Wolf and a long-necked Crane who became entangled in an unlikely tale of greed and gratitude.

One day, the Wolf had a feast so grand that a large bone got stuck in his throat. He felt as if he would choke any moment and knew he needed help. The pain was unbearable, and the Wolf’s usual fierce demeanor turned into one of desperation.

In his panicked state, he spotted the Crane nearby and thought, “Her long neck and sharp bill would be perfect for reaching the bone and freeing me from this agony!” So, he approached the gentle Crane and made a promise.

“Kind Crane,” said the Wolf, “I have a big problem. A bone is stuck in my throat, and I’m sure you, with your long neck, can easily help me. In return for your help, I promise you a handsome reward.”

The Crane, known for her helpful nature, pitied the Wolf and agreed to help. She carefully extended her long neck down the Wolf’s throat, reached the bone, and gently pulled it out. The Wolf instantly felt relief and thanked the Crane.

“Thank you, dear Crane! You have saved my life. Now, as I promised, what reward do you desire?” asked the Wolf.

The Crane expected the Wolf to show his gratitude with a generous gift. But to her astonishment, the Wolf turned away and began walking.

“Wait!” cried the Crane. “Where is my reward?”

The Wolf turned his head and growled, “Reward? You had the audacity to put your head in my mouth and come out alive, and you call that a reward?”

The Crane, disappointed and disheartened, realized that the Wolf had no intention of fulfilling his promise. She flew away, vowing never to be so trusting again.

Moral of the Wolf and the Crane story:

Dear children, the Wolf and the Crane story teaches us that we should not expect gratitude from the wicked, for their selfish hearts know no bounds. True kindness should not seek reward, but alas, not all understand its virtue.