The tortoise and the hare

The tortoise and the hare

Today I am going to tell the tortoise and the hare story. It is an excellent example of consistency. tortoise and the hare story teaches us that it’s not about how fast you go but rather about consistency and effort. Let’s Read the full story to know what really happened.

A tortoise and a hare lived in a forest, the hare gave a challenge to the tortoise that animals like a tortoise cannot compete with an agile animal like him. Hare runs very fast. When the tortoise heard these words from hare, he said, ” So tomorrow we both hold a race together and see who will win in that race”. The next day there was a race competition between the hare and the tortoise.

As soon as the rabbit and the tortoise started running, the rabbit ran very fast.  When he looked back, he did not see the tortoise, he thought that the tortoise moves very slowly, and it will take him a long time to come. The rabbit thought that he should take some rest under the tree. When the tortoise will come near him, he will overtake him and win the race.

The rabbit rested in the shade of the tree. The tortoise was still far behind. The rabbit fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the tortoise had gone ahead and crossed the victory line and was smiling. The rabbit lost the race.

Learning from the tortoise and the hare story:

The tortoise and the hare story teaches us not to be bragging. We can be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily.