the three promises story

The Three Promises

Today, I am going to tell you a wonderful story called “The Three Promises.” It all starts with a kind man named Aditya and his incredible adventure in a big forest. He meets a tiger, a snake, and a goldsmith, and they all make special promises to him. But things get tricky when the goldsmith does something sneaky. Find out how Aditya’s friends, the tiger and the snake, help him in his time of need and how honesty triumphs over greed. This story teaches us about being good friends and always doing the right thing!

The Three Promises:

In the heart of a vast forest, there lived an honorable man named Aditya. One day, as he traversed through the dense foliage, he was overcome by thirst. Desperate for water, he searched tirelessly until he stumbled upon an ancient well brimming with life-giving liquid.

As he approached the well, a startling sight greeted his eyes. Trapped within the well’s depths were a mighty tiger, a venomous snake, and a desperate human. The three creatures, understanding Aditya’s noble nature, pleaded for his assistance, promising not to harm him upon their release.

Aditya, though hesitant to help the potentially dangerous tiger and snake, was persuaded by their solemn vows. With a heart full of compassion, he lowered a sturdy rope into the well, first rescuing the powerful tiger.

The tiger, emerging from the well’s confines, expressed its gratitude and invited Aditya to visit its den, promising to repay the kindness shown.

Next, Aditya pulled the snake from its watery prison. The snake, regaining its freedom, pledged its unwavering support to Aditya, assuring him that it would come to his aid whenever he called upon its name.

Finally, Aditya rescued the human, who, overwhelmed with relief, revealed himself to be a skilled goldsmith. The goldsmith, in return for his liberation, promised to offer his services to Aditya whenever needed.

Aditya, content with his newfound friends, departed from the forest, carrying with him the weight of three promises.

Years passed, and Aditya found himself once again wandering through the familiar forest. Recalling his encounter with the tiger, he decided to pay his old friend a visit.

The tiger, upon welcoming Aditya into its den, showered him with hospitality, offering him fresh fruits and refreshing water. As a token of gratitude, the tiger presented Aditya with exquisite gold ornaments adorned with precious stones.

Aditya, eager to utilize these precious gifts, sought the expertise of the goldsmith, requesting him to transform the ornaments into gold coins.

The goldsmith, upon receiving the ornaments, was struck with shock. He recognized them as his own creations, crafted specifically for the king’s younger brother. The brother’s sudden disappearance had plunged the kingdom into despair, and the king had offered a substantial reward for his safe return.

The goldsmith, driven by greed, hatched a devious plan to claim the reward for himself. He feigned innocence and welcomed Aditya into his home, while secretly plotting against him.

Seizing the opportunity, the goldsmith rushed to the palace, presenting the gold ornaments to the king as evidence of Aditya’s involvement in the brother’s disappearance. The king, enraged by this act of betrayal, ordered Aditya’s immediate arrest.

Aditya, unaware of the goldsmith’s treachery, was thrown into prison, his pleas of innocence falling on deaf ears. In his darkest hour, he remembered the snake’s promise and uttered its name aloud.

Miraculously, the snake materialized within the prison walls, sensing Aditya’s distress. Aditya recounted the events leading to his imprisonment, seeking the snake’s intervention.

The snake, loyal to its promise, devised a plan to rescue Aditya. It slithered into the queen’s chamber, injecting her with a harmless yet debilitating venom. The queen’s sudden illness sent shockwaves through the kingdom, and the king, desperate to save his wife, offered a generous reward to anyone who could cure her.

Aditya, hearing of the queen’s plight, informed the guards of his ability to heal her, but only on one condition: he must be granted solitude during the treatment. The king, desperate to save his wife, agreed to Aditya’s demand.

Aditya entered the queen’s chamber and whispered the snake’s name. The snake, appearing promptly, extracted the venom from the queen’s body, restoring her to health.

The queen, miraculously revived, called for the king, who rushed to her side. Overwhelmed with joy, the king thanked Aditya profusely, offering him any reward he desired.

Aditya, seeking justice rather than riches, recounted the entire sequence of events, exposing the goldsmith’s treachery. The king, realizing his grave error, immediately pardoned Aditya and ordered the goldsmith’s punishment.

Aditya, vindicated and respected, departed from the kingdom, leaving behind a legacy of honesty, compassion, and unwavering loyalty. His story serves as a timeless reminder of the power of integrity and the enduring bonds of friendship.

The moral of the story is that it is important to be honest and trustworthy. Aditya was rewarded for his honesty and kindness, while the goldsmith was punished for his greed and deceit. The story also teaches that true friends will always be there for each other, no matter what. Aditya’s friends, the tiger, the snake, and the goldsmith, all came to his aid when he needed them.