The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs :Short moral story

Today, I am going to tell you a wonderful story about three little pig brothers: Harry, Larry, and Barry. They each built their own houses, but when a hungry wolf came to their village, their choices were put to the test. This story teaches us that making the right choices and working hard can lead to happiness and safety. Let’s explore their exciting adventure together!

The Three Little Pigs short story:

Once upon a time, there were three little pig brothers named Harry, Larry, and Barry. They were playful and full of life, but their mother knew it was time for them to start building their own homes and living independently.

Harry, the eldest, was a bit lazy and always looking for the easiest way out. He decided to build his house out of straw, which was quick and easy to find. However, straw wasn’t the strongest material, and Harry’s house wasn’t very sturdy.

Larry, the middle brother, was a bit smarter than Harry. He decided to build his house out of sticks, which took a bit more time and effort but would be stronger than straw. Larry worked hard and built a solid house made of sticks.

Barry, the youngest brother, was the wisest of the three. He knew that a sturdy house was important, so he decided to build his house out of bricks. Bricks were the strongest material, but they also took the most time and effort to build with. Barry worked hard and built a strong and safe house made of bricks.

One day, a big, hungry wolf came to the village looking for a tasty meal. He spotted Harry’s house made of straw and approached it, his mouth watering.

“Little pig, little pig, let me in,” the wolf growled.

Harry was scared and quickly replied, “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! You’ll never get in!”

The wolf got angry and huffed and puffed, blowing down Harry’s straw house with a mighty gust of wind. Harry scrambled out of the ruins and ran to Larry’s house made of sticks.

The wolf followed Harry and came to Larry’s house. He growled again, “Little pig, little pig, let me in!”

Larry was also scared, but he was a bit braver than Harry. He shouted back, “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! You’ll never get in!”

The wolf huffed and puffed again, blowing against Larry’s house made of sticks. This time, it took a lot more effort, but the wolf eventually managed to blow down the house of sticks too. Larry and Harry ran for their lives and took refuge in Barry’s brick house.

The wolf arrived at Barry’s house and demanded, “Little pig, little pig, let me in!”

Barry, the wisest of the three brothers, calmly replied, “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! You’ll never get in!”

The wolf tried everything he could to get into Barry’s house. He huffed and puffed, he tried to climb up the walls, and he even tried to squeeze down the chimney. But the brick house was too strong, and the wolf couldn’t get in.

Frustrated and exhausted, the wolf gave up and slunk away. He had learned his lesson – a sturdy house is hard to break, and it’s important to make wise choices.

Harry, Larry, and Barry were safe and sound in their brick house. They had learned the importance of hard work and making wise decisions. From that day on, they lived happily together in their strong brick house, knowing that they had made the right choice.

The moral of the story “The Three Little Pigs” is that hard work and making wise choices are important for success and safety. The three little pigs who worked hard to build strong houses were safe from the wolf, while the pig who built a house out of straw was easily blown away. This story teaches children that it is important to take the time and effort to do things right, as it will pay off in the long run.