The Plane Tree story

The Plane Tree

Once upon a time, in a bustling town, there stood a magnificent Plane Tree. Its branches stretched wide and high, forming a canopy of lush green leaves that provided shade and shelter to all who sought it.

One hot summer day, two weary travelers stumbled upon the Plane Tree. Exhausted from their long journey, they collapsed beneath its shade, grateful for the respite from the scorching sun.

As they lay there, looking up at the Plane Tree’s leaves rustling in the breeze, one of the travelers remarked, “How useless is this tree! It bears no fruit, and only drops leaves that litter the ground.”

The other traveler, a wise and kind soul, overheard this remark and spoke up. “Ungrateful creature!” he said, addressing the Plane Tree. “You provide shade and comfort to those who seek it, yet this is how you are repaid? Thus ungratefully, O Jupiter, do men receive their blessings!”

The Plane Tree, as if understanding the traveler’s words, rustled its leaves in agreement. “Indeed,” it said in a gentle voice, “my gifts may not be as obvious as those of other trees, but they are no less valuable.”

The first traveler, humbled by the Plane Tree’s response, realized his mistake. He apologized for his hasty words and thanked the tree for its kindness.

From that day on, the two travelers became regular visitors to the Plane Tree. They would sit beneath its shade, sharing stories and enjoying the peace and tranquility it offered. And they never again took its gifts for granted.

Lesson from the plane tree story:

Our best blessings are often the least appreciated. We should be grateful for all that we have, even the things that may seem ordinary or unimportant.

The Plane Tree in this story teaches us to appreciate the simple things in life, and to be kind and respectful to all living things