The Mole and His Mother

The Mole and His Mother

Once upon a time, in a dark and cozy burrow, lived a little mole named Moley and his wise mother. Moley was a curious and playful mole, but he had one big flaw: he was very conceited.

One day, Moley proudly declared to his mother, “Mother, you always say I’m blind, but I’m sure I can see!”

Mother Mole, knowing that conceit could lead to trouble, decided to teach her son a valuable lesson. She placed a fragrant piece of frankincense in front of him and asked, “My dear Moley, can you tell me what this is?”

Moley peered at the frankincense with all his might, but alas, he could not see it. He confidently replied, “Why, Mother, that’s a pebble!”

Mother Mole gently said, “My dear son, this proves that you have not only lost your sense of sight but also your sense of smell. Frankincense has a distinct aroma, yet you cannot detect it.”

Moley was shocked and ashamed. He realized that his conceit had blinded him to the truth. He apologized to his mother and promised to be more humble and mindful in the future.

Moral of the Mole and his Mother story:

Conceit and pride can lead us to overlook our own shortcomings. It is important to be humble and open to learning, even when it means admitting our mistakes.