The Little Match Girl

The Little Match Girl – Short Story

The Little Match Girl is also a story about the importance of love. The little girl’s grandmother was the only person who loved her, and she was the only person who made her feel safe and happy. When the little girl died, she was reunited with her grandmother in heaven. This shows that love is the most powerful force in the world, and it can overcome even death.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived with her father. He was a cruel man who beat her and made her work long hours. One cold winter night, the little girl was sent out to sell matches. She was so cold and hungry that she didn’t know what to do. She sat down on the steps of a house and started to cry.

As she sat there, she struck a match. The warmth of the flame felt good on her cold hands. She closed her eyes and imagined that she was sitting in front of a warm fire. She could see the flames dancing and hear the crackling wood. She felt so happy and warm.

She struck another match. This time, she saw a table spread with a delicious feast. There was turkey and ham and all sorts of other food. She could smell the food cooking and her mouth started to water. She felt so hungry and she wished she could eat some of the food.

She struck a third match. This time, she saw a beautiful Christmas tree. It was decorated with lights and ornaments. She could hear the children singing carols and she felt so happy and festive. She wished she could be at home with her family celebrating Christmas.

The little girl struck more matches, each one bringing her a new vision. She saw a warm bed, a loving family, and a happy future. She was so happy that she forgot all about being cold and hungry.

Finally, the little girl struck her last match. This time, she saw her grandmother. Her grandmother had died a few years ago, and the little girl had always missed her. She was so happy to see her grandmother again.

The little girl threw her arms around her grandmother and they hugged each other tightly. Then, the little girl closed her eyes and never woke up.

The next morning, people found the little girl lying on the steps. She was frozen to death, but her face was peaceful. They didn’t know about the wonderful visions she had seen, or how happy she was with her grandmother in heaven.