The Lion’s Share

The Lion’s Share story

Once upon a time, in a vast and wild jungle, lived four animals: the mighty Lion, the cunning Fox, the clever Jackal, and the loyal Wolf. They decided to go hunting together, agreeing to share their spoils fairly.

One day, the Wolf spotted a majestic Stag and chased it down. He called his companions to help divide the feast. The Lion, being the king of the jungle, took charge of the carving.

With a grand show of fairness, the Lion began to count the animals. “One, myself, the Lion,” he declared. “Two, the Wolf, three, the Jackal, and four, the Fox.”

He then divided the Stag into four equal parts. However, instead of distributing them fairly, he claimed the first part as the king, the second part as the strongest, and the third part as the bravest.

The Lion glared at the others, his claws extended menacingly. “If any of you have a claim to the remaining part,” he growled, “now is the time to speak up.”

The Fox, the Jackal, and the Wolf knew better than to challenge the Lion’s might. They hung their heads in disappointment, realizing that the Lion’s greed had left them with nothing.

Moral of the Lion’s Share story:

Might does not always make right. It is important to be fair and just, even when you are in a position of power. Greed and selfishness can lead to conflict and unhappiness.