The Lion, the Ass, and the Fox

The Lion, the Ass, and the Fox

Once upon a time, in a vast and wild jungle, lived a mighty Lion, a hardworking Ass, and a clever Fox. They decided to join forces and go hunting together.

After a successful hunt, they gathered their spoils, which included a large quantity of game. The Ass, known for his fairness, was asked to divide the spoils equally among them.

The Ass carefully divided the game into three equal shares, ensuring that each animal received a fair portion. The Fox was pleased with the Ass’s fair division.

However, the Lion, being the king of the jungle, was furious. He roared angrily at the Ass and, with a mighty swipe of his paw, struck the Ass down, adding him to the pile of slain animals.

The Lion then turned to the Fox and commanded, “You divide it!”

The Fox, being wise and cunning, wasted no time in arguing. He quickly gathered all the game into one large heap. Then, he took a very small portion for himself, choosing undesirable bits such as the horns and hoofs of a mountain goat and the end of an ox tail.

The Lion, seeing the Fox’s cleverness, was amused and his anger subsided. He asked the Fox, “Who taught you to divide so fairly?”

The Fox, edging away cautiously, replied, “I learned a valuable lesson from the Ass.”

Moral of the Lion, the Ass, and the Fox story:

Learn from the misfortunes of others. Sometimes, it is wise to observe and learn from the mistakes of others, rather than making the same mistakes yourself.