The Gnat and the Bull

The Gnat and the Bull story

In a vast meadow, where wildflowers swayed in the gentle breeze, lived a tiny Gnat with a big ego. It buzzed and flitted through the air, convinced that it was the most important creature in the entire meadow.

One day, as the Gnat flew over the meadow, it spotted a massive Bull grazing peacefully. The Bull was enormous, with muscles that rippled beneath its glossy coat and horns that curved like mighty crescents. The Gnat was awestruck by the Bull’s size and strength.

Without a second thought, the Gnat landed on the tip of one of the Bull’s horns. It perched there, buzzing loudly, as if to announce its grand arrival.

“Ahem,” said the Gnat, clearing its throat. “I, the mighty Gnat, have graced your horn with my presence. You must be honored.”

The Bull, however, continued grazing, completely oblivious to the Gnat’s presence. It didn’t even twitch an ear.

The Gnat grew impatient. It buzzed louder and louder, hoping to catch the Bull’s attention.

“Hey, Bull!” shouted the Gnat. “Look at me! I’m here, on your horn!”

Still, the Bull didn’t react. It simply munched on the grass, unbothered by the tiny creature perched on its horn.

The Gnat was furious. It couldn’t believe that the Bull was ignoring it.

“How dare you ignore me!” cried the Gnat. “I am the mighty Gnat, the ruler of this meadow! You should bow down to me!”

The Bull finally lifted its head and looked at the Gnat. Its eyes were calm and gentle, and a hint of amusement flickered in them.

“Little Gnat,” said the Bull in a deep, rumbling voice, “I didn’t even notice you were there. You’re so small and insignificant, you’re like a speck of dust on my horn.”

The Gnat was stunned. It had never considered the possibility that it might be insignificant. It had always thought of itself as the most important creature in the meadow.

As the Gnat sat there, contemplating the Bull’s words, it realized that the Bull was right. It was just a tiny Gnat, and the meadow was vast and full of wonders.

From that day on, the Gnat learned to be humble and to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the meadow. It no longer buzzed around, boasting about its importance. Instead, it flew quietly, observing the world around it with newfound wonder and appreciation.

Lesson from The Gnat and the Bull story:

Dear children, don’t be like the Gnat. Be like the Bull.

The Gnat was full of pride and thought it was the most important creature in the meadow. But the Bull was humble and didn’t even notice the Gnat.

Be humble and kind to others, no matter how big or small they are.

Appreciate the diversity of the world around you. Everyone is different, and that’s what makes the world a beautiful place.