The Frog and the Mouse

The Frog and the Mouse

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a curious Mouse who yearned for adventure. One day, while exploring the forest, he came across a pond where a sly Frog resided.

The Frog, noticing the Mouse’s eagerness, coaxed him to visit his underwater home, promising a grand time. The Mouse, intrigued, agreed, though he was a little hesitant about swimming in the pond.

The cunning Frog devised a plan. He tied the Mouse’s leg to his own with a sturdy reed. With a splash, the Frog jumped into the pond, dragging the Mouse along with him.

At first, the Mouse enjoyed the underwater adventure. But soon, he longed to return to the safety of the shore. However, the treacherous Frog had no intention of letting him go. He pulled the Mouse deeper into the water, trying to drown him.

Just as the Mouse was losing hope, a sharp-eyed Hawk soared above the pond. Spotting the Mouse’s body floating on the water, the Hawk swooped down and seized it, along with the Frog who was still attached to the Mouse’s leg.

In a swift turn of events, the Hawk flew away with both the Mouse and the Frog, leaving them to face their fate.

Moral of the Frog and the Mouse story:

Those who seek to harm others often end up harming themselves due to their own deceit. Deceitful actions can lead to unexpected and unpleasant consequences.