The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle

The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle story

Once upon a time, in a cozy farmyard, there lived two proud and quarrelsome Cocks. They could not stand the sight of each other and were always ready to fight.

One day, they decided to settle their differences once and for all. They flew up into the air, flapping their wings and pecking at each other with their sharp beaks. Feathers flew as they fought, determined to prove who was the stronger and braver Cock.

The fight went on for a long time, and neither Cock would give up. They were so focused on defeating each other that they didn’t notice the Eagle circling overhead.

The Eagle, with its keen eyes, spotted the fighting Cocks and saw an opportunity for an easy meal. It swooped down from the sky, its powerful talons outstretched.

The Cocks, caught by surprise, tried to escape, but it was too late. The Eagle snatched one of the Cocks in its sharp claws and carried it away to its nest.

The other Cock, seeing the fate of his rival, was filled with fear and regret. He realized that his pride and stubbornness had led him into danger. He flew down to the ground and vowed to never fight again.

From that day on, the Cock lived peacefully in the farmyard, having learned a valuable lesson: Pride goes before a fall. It is better to be humble and kind than to be proud and quarrelsome.

Moral of the Fighting Cocks and the Eagle story:

Pride and stubbornness can lead to downfall. It is important to be humble and kind, and to avoid unnecessary conflicts.