The elves and the shoemaker

The elves and the shoemaker


Once upon a time, there was a shoemaker who lived with his wife in a small town. They were very poor, and they often went to bed hungry. One day, the shoemaker had only one piece of leather left to make a pair of shoes. He cut the leather into pieces and laid them out on his workbench. Then, he went to bed.

The next morning, the shoemaker was surprised to see that a beautiful pair of shoes had been made overnight. He didn’t know who had made them, but he was very grateful. He took the shoes to the market and sold them for a good price.

The next night, the shoemaker again cut out a piece of leather to make a pair of shoes. Then, he went to bed. The next morning, he found two more pairs of beautiful shoes on his workbench. He sold the shoes and was able to buy food and other necessities for his family.

This went on for several nights. The shoemaker was always surprised to find a new pair of shoes on his workbench each morning. He didn’t know who was making the shoes, but he was very thankful.

One night, the shoemaker decided to stay up and watch to see who was making the shoes. He hid in the corner of his workshop and waited. Late at night, he saw three elves come into his workshop. The elves quickly cut out pieces of leather and sewed them together. Then, they made beautiful shoes out of the leather. The elves worked all night long, and by morning, they had made a dozen pairs of shoes.

The shoemaker was amazed. He thanked the elves for their help, and the elves promised to come back and help him again the next night. The shoemaker and his wife were very happy. They were no longer poor, and they were able to live comfortably.

The shoemaker and his wife learned a valuable lesson that night. They learned that there are kind people in the world who are willing to help others. They also learned that it is important to be thankful for the help that we receive.