The Crow and the Pitcher

The Crow and the Pitcher story

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a thirsty Crow. The weather was dry, and there wasn’t a drop of water to drink anywhere. The Crow looked everywhere for water, but all he could find was a tall pitcher with a narrow neck.

The pitcher had just a little water inside, but it was too far down for the Crow to reach. He tried and tried to get to the water, but it was no use. He felt like he would die of thirst.

Suddenly, the Crow had an idea. He picked up some small pebbles and started dropping them into the pitcher. With each pebble, the water level rose a little higher. Slowly but surely, the water came closer and closer to the top.

At last, the water was high enough for the Crow to reach. He drank and drank until he was no longer thirsty. He felt so happy and relieved.

Moral of the Crow and the Pitcher story:

Even in difficult situations, using our intelligence and creativity can help us find solutions to our problems. Sometimes, thinking cleverly can make all the difference.