The boy who cried wolf

The boy who cried wolf

Today I am going to tell The boy who cried wolf moral story for kids. It is about a shepherd boy who repeatedly plays a prank on the people of his town. Read the full The boy who cried wolf story to know what really happened.

A long time ago, a shepherd lived with his family in a village. He had many sheep. The shepherd’s son used to take sheep to the nearest hill for grazing every day. There he would leave the sheep to graze and sit under a tree and watch them. Sitting under the tree all day long was very difficult for him. He was bored with his routine. He wished there would be some fun and adventure in his life too.

One day he thought to do a prank on the villagers for fun. Thinking of this, he started shouting loudly from the hill “Save! Help! The wolf has come, the wolf has come, save”. Hearing his voice, the villagers came running to help him. As soon as the villagers reached there, they saw that there was no wolf there and the shepherd’s son was laughing. “Hahaha, it was a lot of fun. I was joking, hahaha.”  Hearing these words, villagers got angry. A man said, “We all have come to save you after leaving our work and you are laughing?”.  Saying this all the people went back to their respective work.

After a few days, the villagers again heard the shepherd’s son’s voice. “Save Save The wolf came, save.” On hearing this, they again ran to help the shepherd’s son. When the villagers reached there, They saw the shepherd’s son standing comfortably with his sheep. The boy said, “There is no wolf”, and he started laughing at those people after which they all left in anger. Now the villagers had stopped trusting the shepherd’s son.

One day the villagers were working in their fields and again they heard the cry of the shepherd’s son. “Save the wolf came, save the wolf came”, but this time no one paid any attention to him. The shepherd’s son was constantly shouting, “Hey someone, come, help me, drive away this wolf”, but this time no one reached there to help him. The shepherd’s son kept shouting, but the villagers did not come and the wolf ate all his sheep one by one. Seeing all this the shepherd’s son started crying.

When the shepherd’s son did not return home at night, the villagers started looking for him. On reaching the hill, they saw that the shepherd’s son was crying and sitting on the tree. The villagers somehow brought down the shepherd’s son from the tree. The shepherd’s son’s life was saved that day, but his beloved sheep had become the prey of the wolf. The shepherd’s son realized his mistake and apologized to the villagers. The shepherd’s son said, “Forgive me, I made a big mistake by lying. I shouldn’t have done that.”

Learning from the boy who cried wolf story:

The boy who cried wolf story teaches us that one should never lie. Lying is a very bad thing. Because of lying, we start losing people’s trust and no one helps us when the time comes.