The Aesop Lion and Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse

A mouse ran over a sleeping lion. The lion awoke and seized it with his huge paws.

“Forgive me,” the little mouse pleaded, “for my carelessness, and spare my life; I will be eternally grateful to you for it. I did not mean to disturb you.”

He generously granted her freedom and said to himself with a smile, “How could a mouse ever be grateful to a lion?”

A short time later, the mouse heard the terrible roar of a lion in distress, ran curiously to the source of the sound, and found that lion caught in a net. He immediately rushed over and gnawed through a few knots of the net so that the lion could tear the rest apart with his paws. In this way, the little mouse repaid the generosity shown to him.

Lesson from the Lion and the Mouse :

Even the most insignificant creatures can sometimes repay good deeds with interest, so do not treat even the least arrogantly.