Rapunzel short story

Rapunzel short story

Dear kids, today, I am going to tell the fairy tales Rapunzel short story. This Rapunzel short story is about a young girl with long, magical hair who is locked away in a tall tower by an enchantress. It is a very popular classic moral story for kids that teaches us about the power of hope and perseverance. Let’s read the Rapunzel fairy tale short story to know what really happened.

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a kind man and his wife. They wished more than anything for a child of their own. Next door, a strange enchantress tended a beautiful garden filled with curious plants and flowers. The wife would gaze longingly at a special plant called rampion, but she was too afraid to ask the enchantress for any.

One day, her desire for the rampion grew so strong that her husband climbed over the wall to steal some. Before he could escape, the enchantress caught him! Furious, she made a bargain: she would let him have the rampion, but in return, she would take their baby when it was born. Filled with fear, the man agreed.

When the baby girl was born, the enchantress whisked her away and named her Rapunzel. As Rapunzel grew, her hair did too – flowing golden tresses so strong and long that they shimmered like sunlight. The enchantress locked Rapunzel in a tall tower, with no stairs or doors, just one tiny window at the very top.

To see Rapunzel, the enchantress called, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” and the girl would lower her long braid as a rope. Rapunzel felt very lonely in the tower, singing mournful songs to pass the time.

One day, a handsome prince riding through the forest heard Rapunzel’s beautiful voice. Enchanted, he searched for a way into the tower and watched as the enchantress came and went. At night, when all was quiet, he mimicked the old woman’s call, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!”

Surprised, Rapunzel let down her long braid, and the prince climbed to the top. At first, she was frightened, but he was so kind and gentle that soon they were fast friends. The prince visited often, talking with Rapunzel and bringing her gifts. They fell deeply in love and hatched a plan to escape.

But, their secret came out too soon! The enchantress saw the prince climb Rapunzel’s hair and in a rage, she cut off the beautiful locks and banished Rapunzel to a lonely desert. To make matters worse, she tricked the prince and he tumbled from the tower into thorn bushes, losing his sight.

Poor Rapunzel and the blind prince wandered, heartbroken and searching for each other. One day, lost in the desert, Rapunzel began to sing, her sad song carried by the wind. The prince, still desperately in love, recognized her voice! Tears of joy fell from Rapunzel’s eyes as she stumbled towards him, and magically, her tears healed his blindness.

Finally reunited, the prince led Rapunzel to his kingdom. They were welcomed with open arms, married, and lived happily ever after.

Moral of the Rapunzel short story

The fairy tales Rapunzel short story teaches us that even in the darkest times, hope and love can lead us to happiness. It shows us the importance of bravery and perseverance. Rapunzel and the prince faced many challenges, but they never gave up. Because of their determination and love, they were able to overcome the obstacles and find their happy ending.

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