four friends story

           Panchatantra: four friends story

oday, I am going to tell you a wonderful story about four animal friends who shared an incredible adventure together. In a lush forest, there lived a clever mouse, a wise crow, a graceful deer, and a brave tortoise. These friends loved each other dearly and proved that true friendship knows no bounds. Get ready to be inspired by their bravery and loyalty as they face thrilling challenges to save one another from danger.

Panchatantra story: The True Friends

Once upon a time, there lived four friends in a beautiful forest: a mouse, a crow, a deer, and a tortoise. They were all different species, but they were very close. They loved each other very much and would do anything for each other.

One day, the mouse and the crow were out looking for food when the deer did not return home. They waited for him for a long time, but he never came. They were worried and decided to go look for him.

The crow flew around the forest, looking for the deer. He finally found him caught in a hunter’s trap. The deer was crying and told the crow that he was going to be killed.

The crow flew back to the mouse and the tortoise and told them what had happened. The mouse said, “We have to save him!”

The crow carried the mouse on his back to the trap. The mouse used his sharp teeth to gnaw through the trap, and the deer was free.

The deer was so grateful to his friends. He hugged them and said, “You are true friends. You saved my life.”

Just then, the hunter arrived. He saw the deer was free and was very angry. He threw his net at the deer, but the deer jumped out of the way.

The hunter chased after the deer, but the deer was too fast. He led the hunter into the thick forest and disappeared.

Meanwhile, the tortoise was still in the forest. He saw the hunter chasing the deer and knew he had to do something to help.

The tortoise said to the deer, “I will distract the hunter. You run away.”

The deer agreed. He ran off into the forest, and the tortoise turned to face the hunter.

The hunter saw the tortoise and thought he was an easy target. He picked up the tortoise and put him in his bag.

The crow flew down and told the mouse what had happened. The mouse said, “We have to save our friend!”

The deer had an idea. He said, “I will pretend to be lame. The hunter will chase me, and you can gnaw through the bag.”

The plan worked. The deer limped in front of the hunter, and the hunter chased after him. The deer led the hunter far away, and then he disappeared.

The mouse gnawed through the bag, and the tortoise was free.

The hunter was very disappointed. He had lost both the deer and the tortoise. He went home empty-handed.

The four friends were reunited and were very happy. They had learned that true friends will always be there for each other, no matter what.