Wisdom outsmarts physical strength

Wisdom outsmarts physical strength

Once upon a time, there were many sheep and goats living in one place. They regularly went to the forest to graze the green grass, vine, and leaves of the trees. One day when all those sheep and goats went to graze in the forest, one of the sheep got entangled in a vine while grazing. She was so entangled in that vine that it took her a long time to get out of there. By the time she could get out of the vine, it was dark in the forest. All the other sheep and goats had reached back to their respective homes before it was dark.

Due to the darkness in the forest, the sheep could not get out of the forest so she started roaming here and there in the forest and reached the bank of a lake. On reaching there, She saw that the soil of the ground was wet and a sign of the lion’s feet was also inscribed on it. She sat near the sign as if someone was sitting in the shelter of someone’s feet. Gradually, as the night progressed, wild jackals, wolves, tigers, etc. started coming to drink water on the bank of the lake. Seeing the sheep sitting there, they came to her with the desire to eat it. Then the sheep told them all, ‘Whose feet mark is inscribed near me, are you all seeing this, don’t you? All of you should first see in whose shelter I am sitting, then think about eating me!’ All those animals looked at the sign and said, ‘Hey, this is the sign of the lion’s feet and this sheep is in the shelter of the lion, we should all run away from here soon! If the lion comes here, he will kill all of us. In this way, all the animals were frightened and ran away from there.

Late in the night, the same lion himself came to the place which had a footprint. He saw a sheep sitting alone on the bank of the lake so late at night. The lion asked the sheep ‘How are you sitting alone in the forest so late at night?’ I am sitting in the shelter of the one who has this footprint. Lion recognized the footprint. He thought, “Hey! This is my footprint. This sheep has come to my shelter!’ Lion assured the sheep now you do not be afraid, stay here fearlessly.

Finally, when an elephant came there to drink water, the lion said to the elephant, ‘You should climb this sheep on your back and bring it to the forest daily and keep it on your back every time,  understand, Don’t you?’ Elephant took the sheep in his trunk and quickly climbed it on his back. Now the sheep would fearlessly sit on the back of the elephant and eat the shoots above the trees. Where such a strong elephant was afraid of the lion, how easily the small sheep could face such a big crisis without being afraid of the lion.

Moral of the story: Wisdom outsmarts physical strength.