monkey and crocodile story

Easy Story in Kids – monkey and crocodile story

Today, I am going to tell you a wonderful story about a clever monkey and a friendly crocodile. In a lush forest, they shared the most delightful fruits and went on exciting adventures together. But one day, the crocodile’s wife had a strange idea that changed everything. Find out how the monkey outwitted the crocodile with a clever trick that will make you smile and learn a lesson about using your wits when faced with challenges.

The Wise Monkey and the Crocodile:

Once upon a time, there was a dense forest where animals lived together in harmony. In the middle of the forest was a beautiful and large pond. In the pond lived a crocodile. Around the pond, there were many fruit trees. One of these trees was home to a monkey. The monkey and the crocodile were very good friends.

The monkey ate the sweet and delicious fruits from the tree and shared them with his friend the crocodile. The monkey took good care of his friend the crocodile, and the crocodile would take him on rides around the pond on his back.

As the days went by, the friendship between the two grew stronger. The crocodile would feed some of the fruits that the monkey gave him to his wife. They both enjoyed the fruits very much.

One day, the crocodile’s wife said, “The monkey always eats delicious fruits. Just imagine how delicious his heart would be.” She started to nag the crocodile to get the monkey’s heart for her.

The crocodile tried to reason with her, but she wouldn’t listen and she got angry with him. Now, the crocodile had no choice but to agree. He said that he would bring the monkey to his cave the next day and then take out his heart and eat it. After that, the crocodile’s wife agreed.

The next day, the monkey waited for the crocodile, as he did every day, with delicious fruits. The crocodile arrived and they ate the fruits together. The crocodile said, “Friend, your sister-in-law wants to meet you. Let’s go to my home on the other side of the pond today.”

The monkey immediately agreed and jumped onto the crocodile’s back. The crocodile started to swim towards his cave. As soon as they reached the middle of the pond, the crocodile said, “Friend, today your sister-in-law wants to eat your heart.” He told the monkey everything.

The monkey thought for a moment and said, “Friend, why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” The crocodile asked, “Why friend, what happened?” The monkey said, “I left my heart on the tree. Please take me back so I can get it.”

The crocodile fell for the monkey’s trick and swam back to the shore. As soon as they reached the shore, the monkey quickly climbed up the tree and said, “Idiot, don’t you know that our hearts are inside our bodies?”

The crocodile was very ashamed of what he had done and he apologized to the monkey, but the monkey was not going to fall for his tricks again.

Moral of the crocodile and the monkey story

Crocodile and the monkey story teaches us that we should not panic in times of crisis. We should use our intelligence to solve problems in difficult times.