Logical Fallacy Identification Reasoning Questions
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"Violent crime rates have decreased since the death penalty was reinstated, so capital punishment must deter crime." Which logical fallacy is present in this statement?
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
False equivalence
Hasty generalization
Appeal to emotion
"If we allow same-sex couples to adopt children, it will lead to the breakdown of the traditional family unit." What logical fallacy does this statement contain?
Slippery slope
False dilemma
Ad hominem
Hasty generalization
"If we allow same-sex marriage, next people will want to marry animals or inanimate objects." What logical fallacy does this statement illustrate?
Slippery slope
False equivalence
Hasty generalization
Appeal to emotion
A company advertises: "Our product is endorsed by a famous actor, so it must be high quality." What logical fallacy is present in this claim?
Appeal to authority
Bandwagon fallacy
False cause
Hasty generalization
"If we allow prayer in schools, we'll end up living in a theocracy." What logical fallacy is demonstrated here?
Hasty generalization
Slippery slope
False dilemma
Appeal to tradition
"If we don't increase military spending, our enemies will see us as weak and vulnerable, leading to more conflicts and potentially World War III." Which fallacy is illustrated in this statement?
Slippery slope
Appeal to fear
False dilemma
Hasty generalization
"Everyone I know agrees that this movie is terrible, so it must be a bad film." What logical fallacy is present in this argument?
Bandwagon fallacy
Hasty generalization
Appeal to emotion
False dilemma
"If we don't increase military spending, our enemies will see us as weak and vulnerable, leading to more conflicts and potentially World War III." Which fallacy is illustrated in this statement?
Slippery slope
Appeal to fear
False dilemma
Hasty generalization
A student argues, "I don't need to learn algebra because none of my family members use it in their jobs." What logical fallacy is present in this reasoning?
Hasty generalization
Appeal to tradition
False cause
Ad hominem
A student argues, "Einstein was a poor student in school, and he became a genius. Therefore, doing poorly in school leads to becoming a genius." What logical fallacy is present here?
Hasty generalization
Appeal to authority
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Ad hominem
Questions Answered: 0/10