Stories All Short-stories Jataka Tales Moral Stories Panchatantra stories Akbar Birbal stories All Stories Pigeons and Hunter story Aesop scorpion and frog The Boy Who Cried Wolf The bald man and the fly The grapes and the fox The Lion and the Mouse story Aesop Hare and Tortoise Aesop ant and grasshopper Story Moana short story Cinderella bedtime story Rapunzel short story The Fox and the Goat The Fox and the Leopard The Frog and the Mouse The Crow and the Pitcher The Wolf and the Crane The Lion, the Ass, and the Fox The Lion’s Share The Mole and His Mother The North Wind and the Sun The Wolves and the Sheep Cock and the Fox The Ass in the Lion’s Skin The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle The Oak and the Reeds The Owl and the Grasshopper The Plane Tree story The Gnat and the Bull Belling the cat The frog and the ox 5 Akbar Birbal Stories The Cap seller and the Monkeys Beauty and the beast Kabuliwala story The Marble Trade The cracked pot story Goldilocks and the Three Bears Story greedy dog Greedy Mouse Story The Boy Who Discovered True Wealth Never Give Up Moral story about honesty Frog and Mouse story Green Eggs and Ham The Very Hungry Caterpillar Foolish Tortoise Story The Talking Cave (Bolti Guffa) the three promises story four friends story The Story of Ruth and Naomi Story of christmas (The Birth of Jesus) The Woodcutter and the Golden Axe monkey and crocodile story The Three Little Pigs Short Story- The Jungle Book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland The Cat in the Hat story The Clever Old Woman Sleeping Beauty story The Princess and the Pea The ugly duckling The Frog Prince The Little Match Girl little red riding hood short story The Scorpion and the Frog The Emperor’s New Clothes The elves and the shoemaker The Fox and the Crow The Fox and the Grapes The boy who cried wolf The Lion and the Mouse story The greedy dog story – Moral Stories in English The Ant and the Dove The tortoise and the hare Thirsty crow story The ant and the grasshopper Choose friends wisely Respect is earned not demanded you cannot please everybody story We should take elders’ advice seriously Honesty is the Best Policy Wisdom outsmarts physical strength Lion and rabbit story Strength in Unity Gingerbread man story