The cracked pot story

    Inspirational story: The cracked pot

Today, I am going to tell you a tale of Salty, the cracked pot. Salty believed he was a burden due to his crack, but Sam had a plan. He had planted seeds on Salty’s side of the path, and every day, as Salty watered them, a beautiful garden blossomed. What Salty thought was a flaw turned out to be his unique gift, bringing life and beauty to the world. Join me on this journey of self-discovery, where even imperfections can be a source of inspiration and joy.

The cracked pot story:

Once upon a time, a water bearer named Sam lived in a village nestled high on a hill. Every day, he’d walk down the winding path to the sparkling stream below, carrying two pots on a long pole. One pot, smooth and shiny, always held a full belly of water. The other, a little taller with a friendly crack on its side, could only carry half.

The perfect pot, proudly named “Pepper,” boasted of delivering the most water, while the cracked pot, “Salty,” felt small and useless. He’d worry, “I spill so much, Sam must be tired of me.”

One sunny morning, while climbing back up the hill, Salty confessed, “Sam, I’m such a burden. My crack lets half the water trickle out, I’m no good!”

Sam smiled warmly, “Salty, you’re not a burden, you’re a helper!” He pointed to the path. “See the beautiful flowers blooming on this side?” Salty gasped. Where Pepper’s side was dry and dusty, bright wildflowers of every color lined his path.

“You see,” Sam explained, “I knew about your crack, Salty. So I planted seeds along your side only. Every day, you watered them with the water you carried, and look at the beautiful garden you’ve created!”

Salty’s heart overflowed with joy. He wasn’t useless, he was special! His crack, once a source of shame, became a symbol of his unique ability to bring life and beauty to the world.

From that day on, Salty carried his water with pride, knowing that even though he was different, he was just as important as Pepper. Together, they brought water to the village, and Salty, with his sprinkle of kindness, brought smiles and bursts of color to everyone’s path.