Foolish Tortoise Story

Foolish Tortoise Panchatantra Story

Today, I am going to tell you the delightful tale of the Foolish Tortoise. Gather ’round, little ones, as we embark on an adventure filled with valuable lessons and laughter. Follow the tortoise as it learns the importance of wisdom and cunning in a world full of challenges and surprises.

The Curious Turtle’s Big Adventure:

Once upon a time, in a sun-kissed forest, lived a chatty turtle named Tattler. He loved to tell tall tales, even if they weren’t always true. But his friends, Swanna and Shaan, two graceful swans, loved him anyway.

One hot summer, the pond where they all lived started shrinking like a deflated balloon. The animals were getting thirsty! “Tattler,” Swanna and Shaan chirped, “we need to find more water before the pond disappears!”

Tattler, his eyes wide with worry, nibbled on his shell. “But where will we go? There are no other ponds around!”

Seeing his friend’s distress, Shaan had a clever idea. “We can fly you, Tattler! We’ll carry you in a stick like a magic bridge to a big, never-ending pond far away!”

Tattler’s eyes lit up like fireflies. He’d always dreamed of flying! But before they took off, Swanna warned, “Remember, Tattler, promise not to speak on the way. Just hold on tight and enjoy the ride!”

Tattler clamped his mouth shut, determined to be quiet. Up, up, up they soared! The wind tickled his nose, and the world shrunk below like a shrinking map. Tattler, a green feather in the sky, felt like a real adventurer!

Then, as they flew over a village, Tattler heard cheering and clapping. Curiosity, like a pesky fly, buzzed in his ears. He forgot Swanna’s warning and blurted out, “What’s all the commotion down there?”

Oops! The stick slipped from his mouth as he opened wide to speak. He tumbled down, down, down, like a falling leaf, until he landed with a thud, “Oof!”

Swanna and Shaan, their hearts heavy, watched their friend’s adventure end too soon. They learned a sad lesson that day: sometimes, even the smallest words can have big consequences.

Remember, little ones:

  • Words are like feathers: they can lift you up or bring you down. Choose yours wisely!
  • Curiosity is a wonderful thing, but sometimes it’s better to listen and learn before speaking.
  • True friends are always there for you, even when you make mistakes.

So next time you feel like saying something, take a deep breath and think. Will your words be kind and helpful?

May Tattler’s story remind us to speak with meaning, for true wisdom lies in listening, discerning, and letting our words carry weight, not just noise.