Cock and the Fox

The Cock and the Fox story

Once upon a time, in a bustling farmyard, lived a proud rooster named Charlie and a cunning fox named Freddy. Freddy, known for his trickery, had his eyes set on Charlie and his flock of hens.

One morning, Freddy found himself caught in a trap near the hen house. Desperate to escape, he spotted Charlie perched on a fence post. With a sly smile, Freddy hatched a plan.

“Good morning, Charlie,” Freddy said in his sweetest voice. “I was just on my way to visit my sick grandmother when I accidentally stepped into this pesky string and got all tangled up. Could you be a dear and help me out?”

Charlie, known for his cleverness, was not easily fooled. He knew Freddy’s reputation and suspected his intentions.

“Oh, really, Freddy?” Charlie replied. “Why would you be visiting your grandmother at this hour? And why are you so far from her house?”

Freddy, caught off guard, stammered, “Well, I… I wanted to surprise her with a special breakfast. But please, Charlie, help me. I promise I won’t harm you or your hens.”

Charlie, seeing Freddy’s desperation, decided to teach him a lesson. He called out to the other hens, “Ladies, come quickly! Freddy the fox is trapped and needs our help.”

The hens, hearing Charlie’s call, rushed to the scene. They clucked and cackled, alerting the Farmer, who came running out with his trusty pitchfork.

Upon seeing the Farmer, Freddy realized his plan had failed. He tried to escape, but it was too late. The Farmer captured him and took him away, much to the delight of Charlie and the hens.

Moral of the Cock and the Fox story:

Be careful of those who try to deceive you with sweet words. Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to seek help when needed.