Belling the cat

Belling the Cat

Once upon a time, in a cozy little barn, lived a community of mice. They were a timid bunch, always scurrying about in fear of their greatest enemy – the sly and cunning cat named Whiskers.

One day, the mice gathered in a secret meeting to discuss their predicament. They wanted to find a way to protect themselves from Whiskers’ sharp claws and piercing eyes.

Many ideas were thrown around, but none seemed foolproof. Some mice suggested building a wall around their holes, while others thought of digging a deep moat. But these plans were quickly dismissed as impractical.

Finally, a wise old mouse named Elderwhisker spoke up. “I have a plan,” he said, “but it requires courage and cooperation from each and every one of us.”

The mice listened attentively as Elderwhisker explained his plan. They would attach a bell to Whiskers’ collar so that whenever he moved, the bell would ring, alerting the mice of his presence. This way, they would have enough time to scamper away to safety.

The mice were excited about the plan, but they also knew that it would be risky. Who would dare to approach Whiskers and attach the bell to his collar?

After a moment of silence, a brave young mouse named Pip volunteered. Pip was known for his quick wit and agility, and he was determined to help his fellow mice.

Under the cover of darkness, Pip crept into the barn where Whiskers was sleeping. He carefully attached the bell to Whiskers’ collar and then scurried away to safety.

The next morning, when Whiskers woke up and started to prowl around the barn, the bell began to ring. The mice, hearing the sound, immediately knew that Whiskers was near. They quickly scurried away to their hiding places, leaving Whiskers frustrated and hungry.

From that day on, the mice were able to live in relative peace. Whenever they heard the bell ringing, they knew to be on the lookout for Whiskers. And Whiskers, annoyed by the constant ringing, learned to be more cautious in his hunting.

Lesson from Belling the Cat story:

Dear children, we learn that even the smallest of creatures can be brave and resourceful when they work together. We also learn that sometimes, the best way to protect ourselves is to make our presence known.