Violent crime has increased in the city since the new mayor took office. Therefore, the new mayor is responsible for the increase in violent crime. This argument is flawed because:
It assumes correlation implies causation
It uses circular reasoning
It commits an ad hominem fallacy
It relies on an appeal to authority
If we don't cut taxes, businesses will leave our state. If businesses leave, unemployment will rise. Therefore, we must cut taxes to prevent unemployment. This argument is an example of:
Slippery slope fallacy
Ad hominem attack
False dilemma
Straw man argument
If we don't increase funding for education, our children will fall behind globally. If our children fall behind, our economy will suffer. Therefore, we must increase education funding to save our economy. This argument is an example of:
Slippery slope fallacy
Ad hominem attack
False equivalence
Appeal to emotion
The ancient Greeks believed the Earth was the center of the universe, and they were much smarter than we are. Therefore, the Earth must be the center of the universe. This argument is flawed because:
It relies on an appeal to authority
It uses circular reasoning
It commits a hasty generalization
It makes a false comparison
All birds have feathers. Penguins have feathers. Therefore, penguins are birds. This argument is:
Valid and sound
Valid but not necessarily sound
Invalid but true
Invalid and false
The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids without modern technology, so aliens must have helped them. This argument is flawed because:
It relies on an appeal to ignorance
It uses circular reasoning
It commits a hasty generalization
It makes a false comparison
If you eat junk food, you'll gain weight. You've gained weight. Therefore, you must have been eating junk food. This argument is:
Valid and sound
Valid but not necessarily sound
Invalid but possibly true
Invalid and false
If it rains, the ground will be wet. The ground is wet. Therefore, it must have rained. This argument is:
Valid and sound
Valid but not necessarily sound
Invalid but possibly true
Invalid and false
If you get a college degree, you'll get a good job. You got a good job. Therefore, you must have a college degree. This argument commits which fallacy?
Affirming the consequent
Denying the antecedent
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Ad hominem
If we don't act now to address climate change, the entire planet will be uninhabitable within a decade. This argument is an example of:
Slippery slope
Appeal to emotion
False cause
Bandwagon fallacy
Questions Answered: 0/10