The Human Body Quiz Share: TwitterFacebookPinterestLinkedinRedditVKDiggMix The Human Body Quiz Which part of the skin produces melanin? EpidermisDermisHypodermisStratum corneum What is the main function of the hypothalamus? Memory formationEmotion regulationHomeostasis maintenanceVisual processing What is the scientific name for the shoulder blade? ClavicleScapulaHumerusSternum Which part of the nephron is responsible for water reabsorption? GlomerulusProximal tubuleLoop of HenleCollecting duct Which organ produces insulin? LiverPancreasKidneySpleen Which gland produces thyroid hormones? PituitaryThyroidAdrenalPancreas Which part of the brain is responsible for speech and language? Broca's areaWernicke's areaBoth A and BCerebellum What is the function of the thymus gland? Produce insulinRegulate metabolismDevelop T-lymphocytesControl growth Which part of the brain is responsible for emotions and behavior? CerebrumCerebellumLimbic systemBrainstem How many bones are there in an adult human body? 206208212214 Which part of the brain is responsible for regulating body temperature? CerebrumCerebellumHypothalamusMedulla oblongata What is the largest lymphoid organ in the human body? TonsilsThymusSpleenLymph nodes Which part of the brain is responsible for emotional responses? CerebellumHippocampusAmygdalaThalamus Which part of the ear is responsible for detecting head position? CochleaEardrumSemicircular canalsAuditory nerve What is the main function of the duodenum? Nutrient absorptionBile storageInitial digestionWater reabsorption Which part of the brain is responsible for visual processing? Frontal lobeTemporal lobeParietal lobeOccipital lobe What is the scientific name for the shinbone? FemurTibiaFibulaPatella How many lobes does the human brain have? TwoThreeFourFive How many pairs of cranial nerves originate directly from the brain? 10111213 What is the main function of the ureters? Produce urineStore urineTransport urineFilter blood Next Set of Questions Score: 0/20 Related Reads: World Geography Quiz People also read: World Geography Quiz US Presidents Trivia Quiz Disney Trivia Quiz